Pathology of Fifth and Sixth National Plans regarding to housing supply for urban low income groups



One of the challenges facing cities today, especially cities in the Third World, is, along with other economic and social issues, housing and housing finance for low-income groups. As a result of this, the problem of housing and its supply in the cities of Iran is an important challenge. Therefore, this research seeks to study the policies, attitudes and practices of the country's development plan for its pathology in the housing sector, and in particular the housing of low-income groups. The results of the research indicate that in the fifth development plan, with the change of government, we see the policy shift from the axial supply to the demand side. In the early years of this program, the most important approach to low-income housing was the failed Mehr Housing Project, which was abandoned by changing the government due to the problems of this project in providing housing for low-income groups. But no substitute program for housing in low income groups was provided, only to review the comprehensive housing plan and add five new programs. During the fifth development plan, housing inflation has risen and the housing market is in recession. Housing market approaches have practically failed to help finance low-income groups. The sixth development plan was also designed with more goals than the fifth program. The program focuses on the issue of housing of low-income groups in four dimensions, in which policies and strategies are being considered to optimize the desirable urban depreciated texture.
