An Analysis of the National Position of the Mashhad City on the Socio-Economic Development Based on the City- Competitive Brand on the Horizon of 2024


1 PhD student of Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University

2 Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

3 Master of Geography and Urban Planning, University of Yazd

4 M.A. student of Geography and Urban Planning, Yazd University


Today, one of the most important parameters affecting the economic, social, urban development is competition, and competitiveness issue in the introduction and illustration of customer-friendly branding in global, national, and regional arenas. During this process, one of the challenges of urban management to increase efficiency by urban brand building is regarded as a solution to the urban development process. Therefore,method is descriptive-analytical and the purpose is applied. Data and information are collected through library studies, (the development document of Mashhad) and surveys. The statistical population is consisted of 40 experts and researchers related to the research topic. The results show that the location of the city of Mashhad in the competitive map from the point of view of the economic development parameter (Y-axis) with a score of 3.05 from 5 possible points in 2024 among its rivals is after Tehran, which with a score of 3/90 is in the highest position. Also, in the context of the social development parameter (Chart X), the city of Mashhad in the target year with a score of 2.90 out of the 5 possible points would have a lower position than Tehran with a score of 4.45, and Shiraz and Isfahan with the common score of 3.45. The most important macroeconomic variables affecting socio-economic development of Mashhad with respect to its competitive brand include international sanctions, rulers, and urban management in Mashhad, tensions between Iran and some Islamic countries of the region, and the existence of Atabat Aliat in neighboring countries (Iraq, Syria).


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