Investigation of multi-objective allocation status of fire stations with Vector Assignment Ordered Median Problem model in GIS environment


1 Faculty of natural resources and environment, science and research branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, iran

2 Assistant professor, faculity of civil water and environmental engineering, shahid beheshti university, Tehran, iran

3 Faculty of geodesy and gematics engineering, K.N.toosi university, Tehran, iran


Location and allocation analysis is one of the most important network and useful analyzes in GIS. This analysis involves various models that, each model is used to solve various problems. Recently, a new model called VAOMP (Vector Assignment Ordered Median Problem) has been developed that, it can solve many different problems. Given that, the location and allocation problems are very difficult, it is almost impossible to solve them in exact methods. Therefore, the present research intends to solve the proper allocation problem of the population to existing fire stations, which are the emergency facilities, and their optimal allocation have a great importance. The VAOMP model and the Genetic and Simulated Annealing algorithms with three goals such as minimizing the arrival time of the fire trucks to the location of demands, minimizing distance and maximizing the coverage of each station in a radius of 5 minutes, solved the problem. The results of this research showed that the Genetic algorithm produces more qualitative solutions in shorter time, while 10 stations in the 21st and 22nd districts of Tehran are not sufficient to serve the total demands in the study area and 55240 people without services will remain and at least, 13 stations in the region should be created.


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