Solving the Minimum Spinning Tree in Designing the Isolated Crisis Management Social Media Network (Case Study: Gorgan City)


1 yazd university

2 PhD Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Yazd University, IRAN


One of the most important of relief managers' requests during the post-earthquake period is the availability of reliable data on the status of relief camps. In the present study, the Isolated Crisis Management Social Media Network was used for communicating between 30 relief camps of the city of Gorgan. This platform can reduce the time, and ultimately improve the quality of communication and exchange of needed goods between relief camps. Some issues, including optimal logistics capabilities, fair distribution of goods and services, and video education for the injured people, are topics that can be done on this network. This paper due to target, is practical, due to doing method is descriptive and analytical and due to information gathering method is documental and surveying. In the present study, the minimum spanning tree solving method, has been implemented with Imperialist Competition Algorithm and GIS. Based on the results, and among the all of options that used in the minimum spanning tree, the setting of option 4 with the length of 64932 meters, has the most optimum conditions for media communication between relief camps. Also, the length and the time of transport of goods according to the problem framework in GIS environment was 84332 meters and 147.48 minutes, respectively. The proposed network and result is not necessarily the best possible solution for communication between defined nodes; But, while fulfilling the required quality, it can be one of the most optimal possible solutions in the framework of the minimum spanning tree problem.
