Explaining the Relationship between Urban Distribution Patterns and Sustainable Development - A Case Study of Sari


1 phd student of urban planning,faculty of art&architecture ,Azad university,Najafabad,Iran

2 Art University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran

3 Associate Professor of Urbanism, Art University, Isfahan, Iran


The rural migration to the city limits causes physical expansion of the city. With increasing city expansion, rural areas and population centers around the city, It has been added to the field and will lead to the construction of agricultural areas (Mashhadizadeh, 2011: 418). The main research questions are: What are the reasons for the unfavorable development of the city? The research objectives are: identification of the physical development trend of Sari city, the pattern of the city development, the impact of urban development pattern on distribution, the impact of urban development pattern on spatial distribution of population and services in Different regions of the city and finally the proper strategies for developing of city. The dispersed growth of the city over time has been without a predetermined schedule, which has led to a disorderly and uneven growth of the city. Research hypotheses include inappropriate distribution of services and facilities in the city, unconventional construction on the margins of the cities, etc., in some way to the degradation of crops and gardens (Mahmodzadeh, Gholamnia and Mosavi ,2018) and the horizontal expansion of the city. Theoretically, from different types of urban development pattern to three general categories of urbanized cities, urban intelligent growth and urban dispersion( kidokoro & others, 2008: 14) & (Wassmer, 2002: 3), have been used in this research and based on the theory of above-mentioned urban development pattern Been investigated.
