An analysis of key factors affecting the recreation of dysfunctional neighborhoods with emphasis on Housing providing


1 Phd Student of Uurban Planing, Urban Planning Group, Civil, Art and Architecture College, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Phd in UrbanPlaning, Associate professor of Urban Planning Group, Civil, Art and Architecture Ccollege, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

3 Phd in UrbanPlaning, Associate Professor of Urban Planning Group, Civil, Art and Architecture Ccollege, Science and Research Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The issue of worn-out and inefficient urban areas and recreation of these neighborhoods is a complex and multidimensional issue, so any issues related to recreational urban texture regeneration should be assessed and evaluated in a multidimensional way and a combination of different factors. In this regard, one of the goals that has been paid special attention to the regeneration of worn out neighborhoods is to provide suitable housing for the residents of these neighborhoods.In this study, key proponents of effective regeneration with an emphasis on providing housing in the worn-out neighborhoods of 12 metropolitan areas of Tehran have been systematically identified and analyzed.In this research, we extract 49 primary factors in six different economic and financial, political, social and cultural, physical, environmental, political, legal, legal, managerial, structural and executive and empirical and aesthetic sciences using Delphi and Delphi techniques. Then, using the Delphi method of managers, the cross-effects matrix of the components is formed. In the next step, the matrix analysis was performed through Micmac software. The results of the dispersion of variables in the influence axis and the factor effectiveness in theMicmac software indicate the instability of the system in recreating the case study area. Accordingly, five variable categories were identified. Finally, given the high score of direct and indirect impacts of the factors, fifteen key factors were identified as key drivers in the future recreation of the area with emphasis on housing provision.Among the factors considered, the variables of economic and financial sector had the greatest impact on housing provision in order to recreate the neighborhoods of the study area and the empirical and aesthetic factors had the least impact
