Investigating the Effects of Transportation Policies on Sustainable Neighborhood Development (Case Study: Chelekhaneh Neighborhood, Rasht City)

Document Type : Independent Research Articles


1 Assistant Prof. of Urban Planning, University of Guilan, Rasht

2 MA Student of Urban Planning, University of Guilan, Rasht


The growing use of private cars has raised concerns about traffic, environmental pollution and neglected historic sites in cities. Currently, due to the dominance of cars in the city of Rasht, many valuable neighborhoods in the central part of the country have become inaccessible to pedestrians and have only become a place for activities such as car parks. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of traffic-absorption policies on the development of sustainable neighborhoods. In this study, modified coefficients, regression and structural analysis were used to analyze the path of two attractive policies of public transportation development and development of spaces for pedestrians and two repulsive policies of restricting car traffic and parking restrictions to evaluate Chelehkhaneh neighborhood of Rasht. Is. The Cochran's formula was used to determine the sample size, which was calculated to be 384 people. The reliability of the questionnaires was obtained by Cronbach's alpha of 0.834. By examining the findings, the regression coefficients in the two repulsive policies; restrictions on car traffic and parking restrictions are ranked first in the physical-environmental dimension, and fourth in the communication and stress dimension, respectively. The physical-environmental dimension of the environment with a beta coefficient of 0.86 in the limit of car traffic and in the parking limit with a beta coefficient of 0.84 and the communication and control dimension in the restriction of car traffic and parking limit with a beta coefficient of 0.75 and 59.5, respectively. 0 was obtained from the citizens. As a result, absorption policies alone cannot be involved in recreating neighborhoods; Rather, these policies can be effective when complemented by other traffic policies, such as repulsion policies
