the principles and criteria of urban space design with the walkabality promotion approach, case study: Sanandaj city

Document Type : Articles from PhD & Master Dissertations


1 PhD Candidate, Department of Architecture, Department of architecture, Yasooj Branch, Islamic Azad University, Yasooj, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Department of Urban Planning & Design, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Shahid Modares University, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Urban Planning, Faculty of Art and Architecture, Tehran University, Iran


< p >Formation the texture of a city is directly related to its network of passages, so that the type of each of these tissues is influenced by the formation of streets within the city. One of the solutions to the problems of traffic and visual pollution today in cities such as Sanandaj is the pedestrian road which has attacked citizens in both mental and physical dimensions. The purpose of this study is to present principles that play a role in its generalization as a strategy to revitalize the humanist urban environment. Two of the issues that have been underestimated in this type of research are the principle choice of a suitable pedestrian street according to the science of architecture and urban planning, and another is to provide a model to consider among the scattered pedestrian components as a criterion in such cities. This article is an applied type that introduces walkability characteristics. The MADM method and the Sharon and Likert 9-point Entropy Formula were selected using Topsis method, 0.6589 Imam Khomeini Street with a rating of 0.6589. Then, this street was analyzed with all the walkability components, which were introduced as a relatively desirable street by graphing from 1 to 4 with a score of 2.885. Using the capabilities, opportunities and threats of the area, a model with three components of infrastructure, functionality, ornamental was introduced to enhance the street. Completion of the process of analyzed subcomponents was considered as a suggestion for walkability improvement in this study.
