Recognizing and analysis and of industry spatial structure change and effective flow system on South Alborz Region (with emphasis on commodity truck movement)

Document Type : Independent Research Articles


Assistant Professor, Department of Urbanism, Rasam Institute of Higher Education, Karaj, Iran


Space is a product of complex and different interactive forces influenced by social, economic, political and natural causes. In different economic, political, social and natural situations, space has a distinct and different pattern. Changes in the structure and organization of the spatial matrix of every territorial region is affected by different and multiple forces that emerge as firstly and secondary changes. Obviously, one of the change levers affecting the spatial structure and organization of the currents in a region is the activity pattern in that region, especially industry distribution. The focus of this paper is on the analysis and recognition of the changes in the spatial structure of industry and the system of the currents affecting it in South Alborz District, with an emphasis on commodity transport trucks movements. Therefore, Standard Deviational Ellipse, Global Moran, K-Reply, and … tests were used in Arc GIS software and centrality, betweenness, density, core-periphery and closeness statistical analysis tests were used in UCINET and NET DRAW software to analyze the spatial organization of the currents. The whole analysis showed that Tehran is the main city in the region with a mono-centric regional structure. However, gradual and incremental changes have also happened in recent years indicating the change of the spatial structure of the city in adaptation to its spatial organization.
