An Explanation of Methods for Supplying Sustainable Municipal Finances with an Emphasis on Creative City: A Case Study on Yasouj Municipality


1 Ph.D. in Geography and Urban Planning, University of Isfahan, Iran

2 PhD in Geography and Planning, University of Shahid Beheshti, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Farhangian, Tehran, Iran


The results of the analysis of the revenue structure of Yasuj Municipality in terms of financial resources and stable and unstable income between 2015-2017 show that the sources of unstable income received by Yasuj Municipality have increased compared to the unstable financial sources and income. Therefore, in 2018 and 2019, unstable financial resources and income received by Yasuj Municipality increased and reached 48.45% and 51.58%, respectively. It can be said that during the years 2017-2019, unsustainable revenues were the main source of supplying Yasuj Municipality finances (equivalent to 41%). Therefore, the main part of revenue generation of Yasuj Municipality was from unstable financial resources and based on construction violations and illegal constructions such as urban construction crimes and compensations, the fine of Article 100 of Municipal Commission, the revenue from the change of uses and also the fine of the roadblock. Also, the results of the research showed that the roadmap and one of the most important strategies for managing the financial costs of Yasuj Municipality is to develop a comprehensive plan and financial vision of Yasuj Municipality


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