Prioritization of Eight Regions of Ahvaz Metropolis in Terms of Learning City Indicators


1 Associate Professor, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran

2 MA student of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Letters and Humanities, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Ahvaz, Iran


Today, cities compete in accepting change and learning. The individual's mental transformation in relation to society turns the city into a resource for learning.  Learning city provides citizens with the essential skills for development, prosperity, and sustainability. The main purpose of this study is to prioritize eight regions of Ahvaz Metropolis in terms of learning city indicators. The research method is experimental with a descriptive-analytical nature and a practical purpose. The data collection is done through library and field studies. The statistical population includes all residents of Ahvaz, reduced to 384 samples using Cochran's formula. First, by studying valid articles, the indicators of the learning city were identified, and finally, the spiritual, knowledge, social, economic, and environmental indicators were selected and distributed, and completed in the form of a questionnaire with regular simple random sampling among the citizens. The answers were analyzed in SPSS with Cronbach's alpha coefficient of 0.945. After determining the weights of the indicators in the SUPER DECISION, the eight regions of Ahvaz were prioritized using the AHP model. The results showed that the metropolis of Ahvaz is generally at an unfavorable level of the learning city's indicators. It also has an imbalance in different regions. Region 2 of Ahvaz has the highest rank in the learning city's indicators and after that regions 3 and 4 are ranked next. Regions 5 and 6 are almost at the same level and priority, in unfavorable conditions. In fact, the gap and inequality between regions 1 to 4 and regions 5, 6, and 7 is tangible. Also, the results of the inferential analysis showed the willingness of the citizens of Ahvaz to participate and create a learning city; about 49.7% were completely in favor of learning and 56.3% were completely in favor of teaching others


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