Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban and Suburban lands Based on Population Dispersion in Mazandaran Province

Document Type : Articles from PhD & Master Dissertations


1 PhD Candidate of Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Iran

2 Associate professor, Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Iran

3 Professor, Department of Human Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Iran


Urbanization, as a dynamic process of changing the relationship between man and the earth, is an important social and economic phenomenon around the world. Although urban expansion is largely due to economic and demographic reasons, it has socio-spatial and economic-political consequences and affects the natural and biological factors as well. Mazandaran Province has also been considered by immigrants and tourists due to its relative location and prevailing environmental conditions. Such advantages have intensified the population increase and the built space there. Accordingly, in this study, the trend of population growth and space built in urban and suburban environments (suburbs and villages) were measured from 1975 to 2020. In this analysis, population and housing general census data were obtained from Sentinel 1 and 2, and Landsat satellite images. The results show that, during the period under review, from 1975 to 2020, the area of the land built in the province has increased almost 3.5 times from 20 thousand hectares to 71 thousand hectares. The annual growth rate during this period is approximately 2%, which is 2.04% for the urban lands and 3.45% for the suburban lands. For the population, this ratio gets inverse, i.e., the annual growth is 2.85 for the urban population and 0.75 for the suburban population. The percentage of urban land changes was higher in Savadkuh with 44% and Behshahr with 39%, showing that the suburban lands had a significant growth in these counties.


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