Investigating factors affecting the change of land coverage in the outskirts Of The metropolises (Case study: Rasht city)


1 Assistant Professor in urban planning, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran

2 M.A in Urban Planning, University of Guilan, Rasht, Iran


In recent years, with the increasing population, there have been significant changes in the state of land cover, and this trend will continue in the future. Currently, unprincipled change of the land cover is one of the most important problems in the cities of the country, and many of its harmful effects may become apparent in the near future. This study aims to investigate the situation of land cover change in the outskirts of Rasht metropolis seeks to answer the questions that what are the factors affecting the acceleration of the process of land cover change? What are the strategies to slow down this process and what has been the trend of land use change (agriculture to residential) in Rasht city in recent years? The present study has a descriptive exploratory method and a qualitative approach. In order to collect the required information from the two methods of library studies and survey study through conducting interview in a semi-structured and in-depth method used. Findings and results in this study show that the components affecting the change of marginal land cover can be divided into different social, economic, physical, environmental and managerial categories In this regard, the migration of people from the surrounding villages to the city and the creation of the phenomenon of suburbanization and the tourist nature of Rasht and the high attraction of tourists and increasing the phenomenon of urban dispersion are among the most important factors.In general, it can be concluded that the lands on the outskirts of metropolises are the most important pillars of any city.In this regard, it can be said that there are various strategies such as allocating green taxes for land use change - promoting intermediate development and redefining the position of agricultural activities to reduce the speed of these changes, which Their timely implementation can eliminate or reduce the negative effects of land cover change.


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