An analysis on the optimal routing model of high-speed bus lines in Shiraz city

Document Type : Independent Research Articles


1 Assistant Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Payame Noor University, Iran

2 PhD Student, Department of Geography, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran

3 PhD Student. Department of Geography,Najafabad Branch , Islamic Azad University, Najafabad , Iran


Development of public transportation as One of the ways to reduce the negative effects of transportation in cities, is considered by most of the countries. The main purpose of this study is to provide a model for optimal routing of high-speed bus lines in Shiraz city using congestion optimization method, and field surveys. Several indicators are analyzed in this study including cost savings, reduced travel time, safety, air pollution, comfort, reduction of vehicle depreciation, variety of transportation options, traffic management, employment, cost, noise pollution, and reducing the construction of parkings. In the meantime, in order to review the indicators and also prioritize the lines of fast transportation systems, the related scenarios in this section are prioritized through the congestion optimization method, and then the most important selection and the most appropriate ways of analysis are applied through fast system Network Analysis in ArcGIS software environment, Station position, and location of terminals Analysis Spatial which has been used in ArcGIS software environment.
The results showed that in the status of the busiest routes and the most important centers of purpose and destination of travel in Shiraz, two routes were selected: i) the distance between Karim Khan Zand Boulevard to the customs crossroads ii) the fifth entrance (Esteqlal Boulevard) to Mulla Sadra Street. The other important result of this study is the identification of 24 suitable routes for locating high-speed bus stations in Shiraz which is determined   according to the existing standards, and the final travel destination of the passengers. 


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