Investigating Indicators Related to Changes in the Volume of Public Transportation during the Corona Pandemic in the Area of Line 2 of Mashhad's Urban Train

Document Type : Independent Research Articles


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Geography, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran

2 M.A. in Geography and Urban Planning, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran


The impact of pandemics (such as Corona) on public transportation is not the same; however, few studies have addressed the role of mediating criteria in this regard. Therefore, this research, in the form of a descriptive-analytical method, examines the criteria related to the changes in the number of passengers of the Mashhad city train during the Corona era. The statistical population includes passengers of line 2 of the city train at each station in the period 2018-2019 (before Corona) and 2020-09/2021 (after Corona) and service uses of 500 meters around each station. The research variables also include the changes of passengers of line 2 of the city train after the Corona (dependent variable), the population, the income of the residents, and the type of uses around each station (independent variable). After theoretical studies and developing a conceptual model, the location information database of each station, data related to the number of passengers, resident population, people's income, and uses around each station were recorded. The use of descriptive and inferential statistical methods has been the basis of work in this field. The results showed that Corona did not have the same effect on the changes of passengers in line 2 stations, in such a way that the number of passengers increased in 33% of the stations and decreased in 67% of them after Corona. The use of "independent two-sample t", "trend" and "correlation" tests indicated that population variables, income, and user diversity are not related to these changes as mediating variables, while the level and performance of service users showed a significant relationship with this issue. Additional findings from "differentiation analysis" showed that among service uses, the arrangement pattern of commercial and workshop uses is the most important factor in differentiating areas with an increase and decrease in the number of passengers. The adaptation of small-scale commercial uses and their proximity to workshop-production uses in areas with increasing passengers showed the high flexibility of this model compared to large-scale models while facing pandemics, which can be a good guide for future studies.


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