Evaluation of the Indicators Related to New Urbanism in the Sustainability of the Urban Areas of Ilam

Document Type : Independent Research Articles


1 Professor of Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Literature and Humanities, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran

2 Ph.D. Student in Geography and Urban Planning, Department of Geography and Urban Planning, Literature, and Humanities, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, Iran


New Urbanism is the most influential planning trend of the twentieth century. It is an international movement to improve the man-made environment, enhance living conditions, and make the world a better place. However, it is required to give a method and identify the effective components for the extent to which urban areas experience the New Urbanism model, as well as provide relevant intervention solutions to implement this approach, which has been discussed less frequently up to the present point. This study's objective is to assess the applicability of new urbanism parameters to the sustainability of representative urban areas in Ilam's central neighborhood. The research method is descriptive-analytical, and the questionnaire is the primary data-gathering instrument. This study's statistical population was comprised of city managers and academic experts in urban planning from Ilam city, who were selected through the purposeful sampling technique (100 people). In this study, 26 indicators were employed in the form of four primary factors: pedestrianization, housing, tradition, and management. One-sample T-tests and other statistical tests in SPSS software, as well as a structural equation model in SmartPLS software, were utilized to analyze the data. The results demonstrate that the analyzed indicators are not in an excellent state; rather, certain components are below average and in poor conditions, which indicates that these indicators have not been given attention in urban administration. The pedestrian index has the highest average compared to other measures, with a mean of 1.3. The other indicators like management with a mean of 2.5 and housing with a mean of 2.6 have the lowest average. The results of the structural equation model indicate that the four components of this study account for 45% of the stability of New Urbanism in the urban areas of Ilam. The research variables that have the greatest impact on infill development are the proximity of service centers to stations, the quality of sidewalks, and the combination of diverse classes of people, with values of 0.93, 0.81, and 0.75, respectively


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