Investigating the Impact of Urban Nightscape on Tourism Development: A Case Study of Shiraz City

Document Type : Independent Research Articles


1 Master's Degree in Tourism Management, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Tourism Management Department, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


Tourism destinations are looking to find new tourism methods to compete in this industry and night tourism, as one of these methods, has attracted the attention of tourists in recent years. Shiraz city, as one of the main tourism areas in the country, has much potential in this field. The current study aims to investigate the effect of the night view of Shiraz city on the prosperity of tourism in this city. This research has been carried out using a descriptive-analytical method with an emphasis on case study. A total of 335 people were randomly selected as a statistical sample and a researcher-made questionnaire, which was designed with three independent variables (tourists' satisfaction, tourists' revisits, tourists' subjective perceptions) and one dependent variable (tourism boom), was distributed among them. The data was analyzed using SPSS and Lisrel software with tests, Friedman, confirmatory factor analysis, and equation models. Results showed that the independent variables of tourist satisfaction with a factor of 0.33 and T value of 64.7, tourists revisiting Shiraz city with a factor of 0.79 and T value of 44.1, and tourists' mental perceptions of Shiraz city with a factor of 0.57 and T value of 45.12 have a positive and significant relationship with the dependent variable of tourism boom in Shiraz city with an error level of one percent. The findings of the research show that Shiraz enjoys a very good tourism boom, providing infrastructure for the nightly presence of tourists to visit historical buildings and monuments, attractive cultural and religious places, and recreational spaces due to their high desirability for tourists, causing development and prosperity of night tourism in Shiraz city.


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