Measuring the Degree of Managerial-institutional Resilience of New Urban Habitations against Earthquake Risk (Case Study: Isfahan Metropolitan)

Document Type : Independent Research Articles


1 Ph.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Geographical Sciences, Isfahan University, Isfahan, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Urban Planning, Faculty of Geographical Science, University of Isfahan, Isfahan, Iran


One of the problems that has always threatened the life of urban communities for centuries is the occurrence of natural disasters that if left unattended and unprepared, cause irreparable damage to various aspects of human life, including residential, social, economic, etc.. In the world, 40 types of natural disasters have been identified, 31 of which have occurred in Iran. Among these natural disasters, earthquakes are one of the most important natural disasters that pose a threat to the development of society and as one of the major disasters, causing various physical, social, and economic damages around the world every year. Until the 1980s, the prevailing approach to global crisis management was based on reducing vulnerability, but since the 1980s, efforts have been made to change the prevailing crisis management paradigm; the prevailing view has shifted from focusing solely on reducing vulnerability to increasing disaster resilience. In this new paradigm, the shift from reactivity to deterrence and participation has changed. In the meantime, managerial-institutional resilience against natural disasters (earthquakes), which is actually how the administrative and executive capacities of societies are affected by disasters, is one of the issues that should be considered in every society. It is noteworthy that the type of attitude towards the issue of resilience and the way of its analysis, on the one hand, plays a key role in how to recognize the current situation of resilience and its causes, and on the other hand, affects policies and measures to reduce risk and how to deal with it.


Main Subjects

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