Analysis of the Effect of Changing the Land Use of Gardens and Agriculture on Temperature in the Regions of Urmia City


1 Ph.D. Student of Geography and Urban Planning, Faculty of Planning and Environmental Sciences, Tabriz University, Tabriz, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Urban Planning Department, Faculty of Architecture, Urban Planning and Art, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran


The gardens located within the city limits can be considered the most important environmental elements, which consist of the interaction of natural and identity components and are responsible for representing human components. This research aimed to analyze the change in the use of gardens and agriculture in the Urmia city areas. The current research is of a practical type and follows the descriptive-analytical method. Information was collected through the library, field studies, and urban development plans. To achieve the purpose of the research, first, the area of gardens of Urmia city was extracted for two periods, 2006 and 2019, and the surface temperature was extracted using Landsat 5 and 8 satellite images and analyzed in Envi 5.3 software. Then, using the two criteria of the average area of gardens and the ground surface temperature in two periods, the evaluation of urban areas based on the SECA method was done. The results showed that the highest destruction of orchards was in region four, and the highest average temperature in two periods was related to region three. From the examination of temperature data, height above sea level, and the use of gardens and agriculture in 2006, it can be concluded that there is a direct relationship between the average temperature and height above sea level; in 2019, it can be stated that there is an inverse relationship with the average temperature between the area of use of gardens and agriculture. It was concluded that in 2006 and 2019, there was not necessarily a direct relationship between the change of use and temperature, and it can have different results depending on the type and number of indicators.


Main Subjects

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