Investigating the Role and Position of Urban Regeneration in Tourism Axes (Case Study: Ilam City)

Document Type : Articles from PhD & Master Dissertations


1 Ph.D. student of Geography and urban planning, Najaf Abad branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Tourism Research Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najaf Abad, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Geography, Tourism Research Center, Najafabad Branch, Islamic Azad University, Najafabad, Iran


The approach of urban regeneration is comprehensive and includes all stakeholders and influential factors in the tourism debate and can play an important role in promoting urban tourism. This research aims to identify and investigate the impact of the main components and dimensions of regeneration (physical, environmental, social, and economic) on the seven tourism axes of Ilam city. Descriptive-analytical research was carried out based on library and field studies regarding practical purpose and methodology. The first statistical population was 100 specialists and experts from among the managers and activists of the tourism and urban management sector, of which 30 people were selected as a sample size through a targeted questionnaire and the snowball sampling method. The second statistical population was all the citizens and tourists of Ilam city, from which a total of 376 were randomly selected using the Cochran formula and a questionnaire as a sample population. SPSS and SMARTPLS software were used to measure and analyze data through different statistical methods, such as structural equations and one-way variance analysis. The results show that the importance and priority of the two physical-physical dimensions (0.657) and the economic dimension (0.416) are from the first and second sample communities’ viewpoints, respectively. Also, the monuments tourism axis, with an average of 2.38, has a better position than the other six tourism axes in Ilam city. Therefore, it can be said that considering the inefficiency of the tourism axes of Ilam city, urban regeneration is an effort to inject new spirit into these axes to provide conditions for the presence and participation of Ilamite citizens and tourists and to improve the various influencing aspects in it, and as an effective tool, it will bring stability and strengthening of the tourism level of Ilam city.


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