Analysis of the spatial distribution of urban services and its relationship with real estate prices in Tehran


1 University Staff- Kharazmi University

2 Kharazmi University



Collapsing the distributing system of service centers in cities is among the most important consequences of urban rapid growth. It caused to an equality in accessing urban inhabitants to services. Therefore, Providing the city with appropriate welfare services and their fair spatial distribution is one of the most important missions of urban planners and managers. In this article, it is investigated the spatial distribution of 16 services and its relationship with real estate prices in Tehran's municipal districts. The data provided from the statistical documents of Tehran Municipality and Iranian Statistical Center and are analyzed as the indicator of the number of services per 10,000 population using descriptive statistics and ranking. Findings indicate that District 12, which is the only municipal district that is completely located in the historical fabric of Tehran and corresponds to the market and the business center of the city, is superior in terms of the services. The reason is the persistence of many elements of the Islamic city. After this, the districts of 6 (as an academic center and medical services center), 13 and 1 have better services respectively. District 1 ranks fourth in terms of services although it is the most expensive and prosperous district of Tehran. The correlation coefficient of +0.235 indicates that, in general, in districts with higher real estate prices, urban services are in better situation. 10 indicators have direct correlation, in which the correlation coefficient of 3 medical indicators and university and garden indicators is higher. There is an inverse relationship between sports hall and mosque index with real estate prices (-0.58 and -0.50). In order to achieve spatial and social justice, it is necessary for planning and urban management to choose the location of urban service centers in accordance with the less suitable areas that have been explained .


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 01 May 2024
  • Receive Date: 18 December 2023
  • Revise Date: 28 January 2024
  • Accept Date: 01 May 2024