Analysis of the urban regeneration of "Beaubourg" neighborhood of Paris by Using Creative Problem-Solving Process


1 Department of Architecture. faculty of art and architecture. University of Zabol. Zabol. Iran

2 Departmaent of Architecture, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Zabol, Zabol. Iran

3 Department of Technology, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven, Netherland



Reconstruction have gone through a long period of time, and now in its latest version, experts have considered regeneration as a comprehensive solution. In this article, the concept of urban regeneration and in particular, urban regeneration in France and the city of Paris, in the “Beaubourg” neighborhood has been discussed and the pillars of the success of the urban regeneration project of this neighborhood have been studied. The neighborhood, which has now become one of the best-known neighborhoods of the city by the “George Pompidou Center”, was in the past one of the less developed neighborhoods of Paris. This part of the research is a descriptive-analytic study whose theoretical data have been collected through library studies and in the section of collecting information about the current situation of the neighborhood through direct field observation. Then, following the process of follow-up studies, the weaknesses of this plan were identified using creative problem-solving process, Considering that the authors of the article were not native and had a new look at the objective structure of the neighborhood, finding weaknesses that were hidden from the French resident observer was on the agenda and the western front of the Arsene of “Saint-Merry” cathedrals courtyard, was identified as a weak point of the Beaubourg neighborhood regeneration project, and with the aim of continuing the process of recreating and extending its success to the identified weak point, a research process and development has been pursued to provide practical solutions. In the final result , the concept of “Terrace”, as the most important pillar of success of the Beaubourg neighborhood regeneration project, has been the authors' work tool.


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Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript
Available Online from 01 May 2024
  • Receive Date: 03 January 2024
  • Revise Date: 22 February 2024
  • Accept Date: 01 May 2024