Investigation the Interaction of Pedestrian Areas and Citizens Case study: Fahadan Community in Yazd



The main question of this research is “what is the reason of people’s reluctancy to walkways?” and “how do they communicate more with walkways?” this research intend to show the importance of pedestrian life and introduce the solutions to improve the quality of such spaces. A city consists of many elements and components that some of them are concrete and physical. So they affect the city space and pedestrian paths. There are some other phenomena which are abstract and intangible. These kinds of phenomena also affect the quality of urban spaces and pedestrian paths. The objective of this research is to focus on Fahadan vicinity in Yazd to investigate this hypothesis and also intend to study about tangible and intangible factors and their effect on pedestrian paths. The results of this research indicate that ignoring human scale in design of buildings and of course in design of city spaces will cause people are reluctant to use such spaces appropriately.  Architects and urban designers together are able to approach the appropriate human scale by employing elements like corridors and arcades.