Assessment of areas with an emphasis on social indicators - economic and human development indicators in combination with the use of GIS techniques and TOPSIS



Development is essentially a multi-dimensional process which involves changes in social structure and culture on the one hand and economic growth and reducing poverty and social inequality on the other. Iran is not the same level of development, and variations can be seen in this context. The diversity and complexity of the issue of the necessity of development and deprivation suggests. Study of the functional nature - a combination of library research methods and analysis, and the overall objective, identify states powerful and factors constrained the development of social - economic variables for this purpose during 1390-1387 78 has been used. The purpose of the selected indexes for each state using the software SPSS and Excel format models, HDI and TOPSIS analysis were the results of the composite index of human development and the technique TOPSIS shows the mean HDI equal to 0.230 and TOPSIS equal to 0.150% of the HDI Tehran Province with 0.706% and Semnan 0.081 percent, the highest and lowest level of the model TOPSIS with the provincial average of TOPSIS, 0.355, 0.165, 0.090 and 0.030 of the zoning areas and developed a that is comprehensive and balanced development is to achieve breakthroughs.
