Inconvenience of Infill Development in Intermediate Texture Using Structural Equation Model (Case Study: Arak Intermediate Texture)

Document Type : Articles from PhD & Master Dissertations


1 PhD. Candidate of Geography & Urban Planning, University of Yazd, Yazd, Iran

2 Associate Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, University of Yazd, Yazd, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Geography & Urban Planning, University of Yazd, Yazd, Iran


Infill development has been considered in the context of sustainable development theory since the 1970s in response to Spiral Growth Problems. Despite the positive effects that this growth pattern has on the sustainability of cities, this pattern will have negative consequences if it is not implemented properly and if it ignores its strategies. Implementation of infill development in Arak in recent years has impacted the lives of residents of these sites. The present study is descriptive and causal and explains these effects using structural equation modeling and Smart pls software. Its findings showed that high land prices in middle Arak city have caused high motivation for density and increased density has negatively affected safety and security (T value = 26.162), comfort (T value = 21.075) and accessibility (T value = 3.95). The access component also affects the layout of the elements


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