Inefficiency Analysis of Central Place Model versus Network Model in Organizing Spatial Settlement System in Polycentric Urban Regions: A Case Study on Mazandaran Province

Document Type : Independent Research Articles


Assistant Professor of Urbanism, Faculty of Art and Architecture, University of Mazandaran, Babolsar, Iran


The focus of this paper is to examine the hypothesis that the central location theory (based on hierarchical relations) cannot explain the spatial distribution of the settlement system of Mazandaran Province.  To study this hypothesis, after reviewing the rank-size rule, the primate city phenomenon in the urban system of Mazandaran Province has been investigated showing that in the urban system of Mazandaran Province, despite the lack of a primate city phenomenon, there is no hierarchical order based on the rank-size rule. There are two basic assumptions of the existence of hierarchical relations, i.e., there is a one-way hierarchical relationship between the central places in the various classes of the hierarchy, and there is essentially no horizontal relationship between the existing cities in one class. The studies carried out confirm that the centralized places in lower classes are not necessarily dependent on higher levels of central places to provide urban functions. The study of service relations between the cities of the province also indicates the lack of hierarchy and the formation of a dominant center and purely directional relationships in receiving services. Cities that have close demographic sizes - cities in each level - do not have primarily hierarchical relations with each other.  In fact, there is no central location pattern- domination of a dominant city- and there is no strong hierarchical relationship between them. Hence, central location theory cannot fully describe the existing spatial distribution patterns in this province.


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