Downtown Residents’ Viewpoint on Factors Affecting Residential Mobility: A Case Study on Tehran Downtown


1 School of Architecture and Environmental Design, Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran, Iran


One of the dynamics of cities is the residential mobility of families within the city. These movements, which occur for a variety of reasons, sometimes cause problems in the destination or origin neighborhood. The purpose of this study is to find the reasons for the relocation of residents from the center of Tehran, from the perspective of the residents in those areas and provide a solution to prevent them from leaving. This research is a survey and uses field study. The statistical population includes the residents of the neighborhoods around Tehran Bazaar selected through multi-stage clustering method. The statistical tool used in this research is factor R analysis and the required data has been collected through library studies and interviews with experts. After analyzing the questions, 5 questions were removed and finally the modified questionnaire was distributed among 203 residents. After rotating the data with the help of factor R analysis tool, 12 factors were identified. After removing the factors with less than three questions, 7 factors were finally identified. The results showed that "insecurity and social problems", "formation of the pyramid of urban spatial status", "physical problems and texture wear and tear", and "lack of tissue responsiveness to new needs" were the most important factors affecting the mobility of families and "creating a new mental image of texture in the citizens’ minds".


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