Keyword Index


  • Abadan Analysis of Urban Poverty Distribution in Inefficient Contexts Using GIS: A Case study on Abadan [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Abresan Street Analysis of Physical Structure and Mental Image in the Formation of Place Identity in Abresan Street of Tabriz [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 179-212]
  • AHP Analysis of Urban Poverty Distribution in Inefficient Contexts Using GIS: A Case study on Abadan [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Ahvaz Prioritization of Eight Regions of Ahvaz Metropolis in Terms of Learning City Indicators [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 99-121]
  • Amol Analysis of Housing Indicators in Amol City [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 199-223]
  • ARC GIS Analysis of Urban Poverty Distribution in Inefficient Contexts Using GIS: A Case study on Abadan [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Architectural Elements The Role of Water System in Forming Urban Structures: A Case Study on Urmia City [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 61-86]
  • Attachment Exploring the Effect of Physical-Functional Dimensions of the Middle Space in Residential Architecture on the Level of Residents' Attachment: A Case Study on Linear, Centralized and Scattered Residential Complexes in Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 33-50]


  • Branding An Explanation of Methods for Supplying Sustainable Municipal Finances with an Emphasis on Creative City: A Case Study on Yasouj Municipality [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 97-126]
  • Branding An Investigation of the Future of Tabriz Metropolitan Branding Using Scenario-Based Planning Approach [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 7-31]
  • Built lands Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban and Suburban lands Based on Population Dispersion in Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 177-197]
  • Bushehr province Evaluation of Influencing Factors on Integrated Solid Waste Management in Cities: A Case Study on the Coastal Cities of Bushehr Province [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 229-252]
  • Business Improvement District Analyzing and Evaluating Business Improvement Districts (BID) in Cities with an Emphasis on Tactical Urban Planning Features: A Case Study on District 6 of Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 249-269]
  • Bus stations Spatial Analysis of Changes in Public Transport Passengers (City Buses) during the Corona Pandemic in Mashhad [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 71-97]


  • Central place model Inefficiency Analysis of Central Place Model versus Network Model in Organizing Spatial Settlement System in Polycentric Urban Regions: A Case Study on Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 101-125]
  • City structure studies Construction of a Safe City Model, Based on Residents’ Behavioral Characteristics: A Case Stud on Saadi Neighborhood of Sari [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 59-95]
  • Cluster Analysis Analysis of Housing Indicators in Amol City [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 199-223]
  • Coastal cities Evaluation of Influencing Factors on Integrated Solid Waste Management in Cities: A Case Study on the Coastal Cities of Bushehr Province [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 229-252]
  • Colonial Competition An Analysis of Land Ecological Networks in Izeh City Using Colonial Competition Algorithm [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 127-147]
  • Connecting city and nature Sustainable Connection between City and Nature through Designing a Public Space Network: A Case Study on Noor City) [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 69-100]
  • Corona Analyzing the impact of Covid-19 0utbreak on smart urban management: A case study on Mashhad Municipality [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 35-60]
  • Corona pandemic Spatial Analysis of Changes in Public Transport Passengers (City Buses) during the Corona Pandemic in Mashhad [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 71-97]
  • Covid-19 Small Cities, Information Technology and Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 199-216]
  • CPTED Approach Construction of a Safe City Model, Based on Residents’ Behavioral Characteristics: A Case Stud on Saadi Neighborhood of Sari [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 59-95]
  • Creative city Silver Tourism and Its Role in Creating a Creative City: A Case Study on Ramsar City [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 235-253]
  • Creative city An Analysis of Effective Indicators on the Realization of a Creative City: A Case Study on Shiraz [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 171-198]
  • Cross-sectional survey Downtown Residents’ Viewpoint on Factors Affecting Residential Mobility: A Case Study on Tehran Downtown [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 45-69]


  • Desirability Investigating the Role of Urban Regeneration in the Desirability of Public Spaces: A Case Study on Haram Public Space in Shahr-e Rey, Tehran, Iran) [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 51-67]
  • Distribution Analysis of Urban Poverty Distribution in Inefficient Contexts Using GIS: A Case study on Abadan [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • District 12 of Tehran Metropolis An Analysis of the Desirability of Social Functions of Urban Spaces: A Case Study on District 12 of Tehran Metropolis [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 151-169]
  • District 6 of Tehran Analyzing and Evaluating Business Improvement Districts (BID) in Cities with an Emphasis on Tactical Urban Planning Features: A Case Study on District 6 of Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 249-269]
  • Diversity Analysis of Factors Affecting the Diversity of Physical-Functional Structure of Neighborhoods in New Cities: A Case Study on Shahin Shahr City, Isfahan [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 7-31]


  • Ecological networks Future Study of Effective Factors on Urban Growth Management Based on Ecological Networks: A Case Study on Maragheh City [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 165-198]
  • Ecology An Analysis of Land Ecological Networks in Izeh City Using Colonial Competition Algorithm [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 127-147]
  • Efficiency Efficiency of Urban Innovation System in Selected Cities [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 127-149]
  • Elderly Silver Tourism and Its Role in Creating a Creative City: A Case Study on Ramsar City [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 235-253]
  • Empowerment Residents’ Evaluation of the Plan to Empower Informal Settlements in Terms of Environmental Quality: A Case Study on Khezr Neighborhood in Hamedan City [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 255-279]
  • Environmental Quality Residents’ Evaluation of the Plan to Empower Informal Settlements in Terms of Environmental Quality: A Case Study on Khezr Neighborhood in Hamedan City [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 255-279]
  • Evaluation Residents’ Evaluation of the Plan to Empower Informal Settlements in Terms of Environmental Quality: A Case Study on Khezr Neighborhood in Hamedan City [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 255-279]
  • Exploratory Factor Analysis Evaluation of Influencing Factors on Integrated Solid Waste Management in Cities: A Case Study on the Coastal Cities of Bushehr Province [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 229-252]


  • Factor Analysis Analysis of Housing Indicators in Amol City [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 199-223]
  • Functional criterion Exploring the Effect of Physical-Functional Dimensions of the Middle Space in Residential Architecture on the Level of Residents' Attachment: A Case Study on Linear, Centralized and Scattered Residential Complexes in Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 33-50]
  • Future An Investigation of the Future of Tabriz Metropolitan Branding Using Scenario-Based Planning Approach [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 7-31]
  • Future Research An Explanation of Methods for Supplying Sustainable Municipal Finances with an Emphasis on Creative City: A Case Study on Yasouj Municipality [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 97-126]
  • Future Research Future Study of Effective Factors on Urban Growth Management Based on Ecological Networks: A Case Study on Maragheh City [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 165-198]


  • Good Urban Governance Grounded Theory: Obstacles to the Realization of the Paradigm of Good Urban Governance in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 199-228]
  • Google Earth Engine Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban and Suburban lands Based on Population Dispersion in Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 177-197]


  • High-rise building Conceptual Framework and Criteria of High-Rise Residential Buildings Governance in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 123-152]
  • Historic city centers Downtown Residents’ Viewpoint on Factors Affecting Residential Mobility: A Case Study on Tehran Downtown [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 45-69]
  • Housing indicators Analysis of Housing Indicators in Amol City [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 199-223]


  • Indicators of creative city development An Analysis of Effective Indicators on the Realization of a Creative City: A Case Study on Shiraz [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 171-198]
  • Inefficient texture Analysis of Urban Poverty Distribution in Inefficient Contexts Using GIS: A Case study on Abadan [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Informal Settlement Residents’ Evaluation of the Plan to Empower Informal Settlements in Terms of Environmental Quality: A Case Study on Khezr Neighborhood in Hamedan City [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 255-279]
  • Informal Settlement Model of Barriers to Renovation of Informal Settlements in Metropolitan Areas Using Interpretive Structure Modeling Technique (Case study of Mashhad) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 119-136]
  • Innovation Efficiency of Urban Innovation System in Selected Cities [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 127-149]
  • Integrated Solid Waste Management (ISWM) Evaluation of Influencing Factors on Integrated Solid Waste Management in Cities: A Case Study on the Coastal Cities of Bushehr Province [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 229-252]
  • Integrated Urban Management Model of Barriers to Renovation of Informal Settlements in Metropolitan Areas Using Interpretive Structure Modeling Technique (Case study of Mashhad) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 119-136]
  • Interpretive-structural analysis Interpretive-Structural Analysis of Semnan Province Functional System to Identify Production and Reproduction Trends of Poverty [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 7-43]
  • Iran Grounded Theory: Obstacles to the Realization of the Paradigm of Good Urban Governance in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 199-228]
  • Isfahan Modeling the Role of Third Places in Social Sustainability in Isfahan [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 153-176]
  • ISM Interpretive-Structural Analysis of Semnan Province Functional System to Identify Production and Reproduction Trends of Poverty [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 7-43]
  • Izeh city An Analysis of Land Ecological Networks in Izeh City Using Colonial Competition Algorithm [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 127-147]


  • Kermanshah County Balancing the Collaborative Urban Network in the Regional Spatial System through Emphasizing the Role of Small Cities Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis Methods: A Case Study on Kermanshah County [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 33-58]
  • Kheer Neighborhood Residents’ Evaluation of the Plan to Empower Informal Settlements in Terms of Environmental Quality: A Case Study on Khezr Neighborhood in Hamedan City [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 255-279]


  • Land cover change Investigating factors affecting the change of land coverage in the outskirts Of The metropolises (Case study: Rasht city) [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 225-247]
  • Landmark perception Urban Semiotic Structure Reappraisal: A Representation of Perceptual Landmarks Appraisal Process (Case Study: Sadra New Town) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 233-273]
  • Landscape An Analysis of Land Ecological Networks in Izeh City Using Colonial Competition Algorithm [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 127-147]
  • Learning city Prioritization of Eight Regions of Ahvaz Metropolis in Terms of Learning City Indicators [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 99-121]
  • Lifelong learning Prioritization of Eight Regions of Ahvaz Metropolis in Terms of Learning City Indicators [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 99-121]


  • Management Small Cities, Information Technology and Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 199-216]
  • Management Conceptual Framework and Criteria of High-Rise Residential Buildings Governance in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 123-152]
  • Maragheh Future Study of Effective Factors on Urban Growth Management Based on Ecological Networks: A Case Study on Maragheh City [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 165-198]
  • Mashhad Analyzing the impact of Covid-19 0utbreak on smart urban management: A case study on Mashhad Municipality [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 35-60]
  • Mashhad Spatial Analysis of Changes in Public Transport Passengers (City Buses) during the Corona Pandemic in Mashhad [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 71-97]
  • Middle space Exploring the Effect of Physical-Functional Dimensions of the Middle Space in Residential Architecture on the Level of Residents' Attachment: A Case Study on Linear, Centralized and Scattered Residential Complexes in Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 33-50]


  • Nature-based urban design Sustainable Connection between City and Nature through Designing a Public Space Network: A Case Study on Noor City) [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 69-100]
  • Network An Analysis of Land Ecological Networks in Izeh City Using Colonial Competition Algorithm [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 127-147]
  • Network model Inefficiency Analysis of Central Place Model versus Network Model in Organizing Spatial Settlement System in Polycentric Urban Regions: A Case Study on Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 101-125]
  • New cities Analysis of Factors Affecting the Diversity of Physical-Functional Structure of Neighborhoods in New Cities: A Case Study on Shahin Shahr City, Isfahan [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 7-31]


  • Paradigm Grounded Theory: Obstacles to the Realization of the Paradigm of Good Urban Governance in Iran [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 199-228]
  • Physical criterion Exploring the Effect of Physical-Functional Dimensions of the Middle Space in Residential Architecture on the Level of Residents' Attachment: A Case Study on Linear, Centralized and Scattered Residential Complexes in Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 33-50]
  • Physical-functional structure Analysis of Factors Affecting the Diversity of Physical-Functional Structure of Neighborhoods in New Cities: A Case Study on Shahin Shahr City, Isfahan [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 7-31]
  • Physical Structure Analysis of Physical Structure and Mental Image in the Formation of Place Identity in Abresan Street of Tabriz [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 179-212]
  • Place Identity Analysis of Physical Structure and Mental Image in the Formation of Place Identity in Abresan Street of Tabriz [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 179-212]
  • Policy-making Small Cities, Information Technology and Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 199-216]
  • Polycentric urban regions Inefficiency Analysis of Central Place Model versus Network Model in Organizing Spatial Settlement System in Polycentric Urban Regions: A Case Study on Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 101-125]
  • Public space network Sustainable Connection between City and Nature through Designing a Public Space Network: A Case Study on Noor City) [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 69-100]
  • Public Spaces Analysis of Physical Structure and Mental Image in the Formation of Place Identity in Abresan Street of Tabriz [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 179-212]


  • Qualitative research Investigating factors affecting the change of land coverage in the outskirts Of The metropolises (Case study: Rasht city) [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 225-247]


  • Ramsar City Silver Tourism and Its Role in Creating a Creative City: A Case Study on Ramsar City [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 235-253]
  • Rasht Investigating factors affecting the change of land coverage in the outskirts Of The metropolises (Case study: Rasht city) [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 225-247]
  • Regeneration Investigating the Role of Urban Regeneration in the Desirability of Public Spaces: A Case Study on Haram Public Space in Shahr-e Rey, Tehran, Iran) [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 51-67]
  • Regional poverty Interpretive-Structural Analysis of Semnan Province Functional System to Identify Production and Reproduction Trends of Poverty [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 7-43]
  • Renovation Model of Barriers to Renovation of Informal Settlements in Metropolitan Areas Using Interpretive Structure Modeling Technique (Case study of Mashhad) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 119-136]
  • Residential complexes Exploring the Effect of Physical-Functional Dimensions of the Middle Space in Residential Architecture on the Level of Residents' Attachment: A Case Study on Linear, Centralized and Scattered Residential Complexes in Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 33-50]
  • Residential mobility Downtown Residents’ Viewpoint on Factors Affecting Residential Mobility: A Case Study on Tehran Downtown [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 45-69]
  • R factor analysis Downtown Residents’ Viewpoint on Factors Affecting Residential Mobility: A Case Study on Tehran Downtown [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 45-69]


  • Saadi Neighborhood Construction of a Safe City Model, Based on Residents’ Behavioral Characteristics: A Case Stud on Saadi Neighborhood of Sari [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 59-95]
  • Sadra New Town Urban Semiotic Structure Reappraisal: A Representation of Perceptual Landmarks Appraisal Process (Case Study: Sadra New Town) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 233-273]
  • Sari Construction of a Safe City Model, Based on Residents’ Behavioral Characteristics: A Case Stud on Saadi Neighborhood of Sari [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 59-95]
  • Sari Structural Analysis of Factors Affecting the Formation and Growth of the Spatial Form of Cities: A Case study on Sari City [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 149-178]
  • Sari city Evaluation and Explanation of Components Affecting Urban Viability: A Case Study on Sari City [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 137-163]
  • SAW method Urban Semiotic Structure Reappraisal: A Representation of Perceptual Landmarks Appraisal Process (Case Study: Sadra New Town) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 233-273]
  • Scenario-Based Planning An Explanation of Methods for Supplying Sustainable Municipal Finances with an Emphasis on Creative City: A Case Study on Yasouj Municipality [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 97-126]
  • Scenario-Based Planning An Investigation of the Future of Tabriz Metropolitan Branding Using Scenario-Based Planning Approach [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 7-31]
  • Semiotic structure Urban Semiotic Structure Reappraisal: A Representation of Perceptual Landmarks Appraisal Process (Case Study: Sadra New Town) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 233-273]
  • Semnan Province Interpretive-Structural Analysis of Semnan Province Functional System to Identify Production and Reproduction Trends of Poverty [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 7-43]
  • Shahin Shahr Analysis of Factors Affecting the Diversity of Physical-Functional Structure of Neighborhoods in New Cities: A Case Study on Shahin Shahr City, Isfahan [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 7-31]
  • Shahr-e Rey Investigating the Role of Urban Regeneration in the Desirability of Public Spaces: A Case Study on Haram Public Space in Shahr-e Rey, Tehran, Iran) [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 51-67]
  • Shiraz city An Analysis of Effective Indicators on the Realization of a Creative City: A Case Study on Shiraz [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 171-198]
  • Silver Tourism Silver Tourism and Its Role in Creating a Creative City: A Case Study on Ramsar City [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 235-253]
  • Small city Balancing the Collaborative Urban Network in the Regional Spatial System through Emphasizing the Role of Small Cities Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis Methods: A Case Study on Kermanshah County [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 33-58]
  • Small city Small Cities, Information Technology and Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 199-216]
  • Social functions An Analysis of the Desirability of Social Functions of Urban Spaces: A Case Study on District 12 of Tehran Metropolis [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 151-169]
  • Spatial Cognition Analysis of Physical Structure and Mental Image in the Formation of Place Identity in Abresan Street of Tabriz [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 179-212]
  • Spatial system Inefficiency Analysis of Central Place Model versus Network Model in Organizing Spatial Settlement System in Polycentric Urban Regions: A Case Study on Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 101-125]
  • Strategy Small Cities, Information Technology and Covid-19 Pandemic [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 199-216]
  • Stressors Investigating the Factors Affecting Urban Stress in World Literature [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 217-242]
  • Structural and functional changes Investigating the Structural and Functional Changes of Urban Neighborhoods in Transition: A Case Study on Southern Zone of District 6 of Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 87-117]
  • Sturgess’ model A Comparative Study of Urban Services in Cities of Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 213-234]
  • Suburban lands Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban and Suburban lands Based on Population Dispersion in Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 177-197]
  • Systematic review of literature Investigating the Factors Affecting Urban Stress in World Literature [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 217-242]


  • Tabriz Analysis of Physical Structure and Mental Image in the Formation of Place Identity in Abresan Street of Tabriz [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 179-212]
  • Tabriz Metropolis An Explanation of Methods for Supplying Sustainable Municipal Finances with an Emphasis on Creative City: A Case Study on Yasouj Municipality [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 97-126]
  • Tabriz Metropolis An Investigation of the Future of Tabriz Metropolitan Branding Using Scenario-Based Planning Approach [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 7-31]
  • Tactical urbanism Analyzing and Evaluating Business Improvement Districts (BID) in Cities with an Emphasis on Tactical Urban Planning Features: A Case Study on District 6 of Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 249-269]
  • Third places Modeling the Role of Third Places in Social Sustainability in Isfahan [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 153-176]


  • Urban centers Analyzing and Evaluating Business Improvement Districts (BID) in Cities with an Emphasis on Tactical Urban Planning Features: A Case Study on District 6 of Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 249-269]
  • Urban economy Efficiency of Urban Innovation System in Selected Cities [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 127-149]
  • Urban green structure Sustainable Connection between City and Nature through Designing a Public Space Network: A Case Study on Noor City) [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 69-100]
  • Urban growth Structural Analysis of Factors Affecting the Formation and Growth of the Spatial Form of Cities: A Case study on Sari City [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 149-178]
  • Urban growth management Future Study of Effective Factors on Urban Growth Management Based on Ecological Networks: A Case Study on Maragheh City [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 165-198]
  • Urban mental health Investigating the Factors Affecting Urban Stress in World Literature [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 217-242]
  • Urban Neighborhoods Investigating the Structural and Functional Changes of Urban Neighborhoods in Transition: A Case Study on Southern Zone of District 6 of Tehran [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 87-117]
  • Urban population Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban and Suburban lands Based on Population Dispersion in Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 177-197]
  • Urban Poverty Analysis of Urban Poverty Distribution in Inefficient Contexts Using GIS: A Case study on Abadan [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 7-33]
  • Urban semiotics Urban Semiotic Structure Reappraisal: A Representation of Perceptual Landmarks Appraisal Process (Case Study: Sadra New Town) [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 233-273]
  • Urban Services A Comparative Study of Urban Services in Cities of Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 213-234]
  • Urban Services Analyzing the impact of Covid-19 0utbreak on smart urban management: A case study on Mashhad Municipality [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 35-60]
  • Urban settlement Evaluation and Explanation of Components Affecting Urban Viability: A Case Study on Sari City [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 137-163]
  • Urban spatial expansion Spatiotemporal Analysis of Urban and Suburban lands Based on Population Dispersion in Mazandaran Province [Volume 9, Issue 33, 2022, Pages 177-197]
  • Urban stress Investigating the Factors Affecting Urban Stress in World Literature [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 217-242]
  • Urmia City The Role of Water System in Forming Urban Structures: A Case Study on Urmia City [Volume 9, Issue 32, 2022, Pages 61-86]


  • VIKOR Balancing the Collaborative Urban Network in the Regional Spatial System through Emphasizing the Role of Small Cities Using Multi-Criteria Decision-Making Analysis Methods: A Case Study on Kermanshah County [Volume 9, Issue 30, 2022, Pages 33-58]


  • WASPAS Model An Analysis of Effective Indicators on the Realization of a Creative City: A Case Study on Shiraz [Volume 9, Issue 31, 2022, Pages 171-198]